T, H and IAQ sensors with serial communication

CLIMASET s.r.l. offers the T, H and IAQ CAREL sensors for offices, houses, shopping malls, wherever there is a need to monitor building indoor air quality.

With these sensors it is possible to measure:

  1. temperatures and relative humidities,
  2. carbon dioxide levels,
  3. VOC levels, also known as volatile organic compounds,
  4. PM2.5 and PM10 levels, also know as particulates.

The probes could show the current value using a display or they can share the value with other devices, by using a proportional signal or with the RS-485 serial communication.

Why monitoing the indoor air quality?

New and recently renovated buildings are usually good insulated and energy efficient, but they tend to need constant air exchanges. Furthermore, people tend to stay indoors the majority of their time (houses, offices, shopping mals, etc).

The accumulation of VOC and of other substances, such as particulate, could have negative effects on  health, on the productivity and lower the level of comforts: monitoring the air quality and insuring its constant exchange, by using systems such as the controlled mechanical ventilation (CMV) is therefore a priority.

Leaflet of CAREL T, H and IAQ sensors in PDF format.