Forget travels for assistance: remote access comes with the Plantgate.
Plantgate is a CLIMASET s.r.l. service that allows a fast access to systems equipped with pCOWeb, the webserver board of the pCO Sistema, and/or with boss supervisors. With the Plantgate you can easily and safely connect to your systems WITH or WITHOUT a static IP.
With the Plantgate your system becomes a website surfable with every browser or reachable with our handy APP: you can see the devices of your system remotely, anywhere in the world, like you were at your home or in your office. The Plantgate graphics is intuitive, easy to use and works well also as remote professional assistance.
Plantgate offers also the geolocation: if you manage one or more system around the world, you can see and reach them through an interactive map with zoom, share it map by generating an external URL and understand intuitively which system is offline or not reachable.

Plantgate offers you better security, because:
- it tells you if you system is reachable (alive signal management),
- sends to you and to the other users of the systems alarm and/or report e-mails coming from that system,
- it allows you to update the software of the pCOWeb and boss that you manage,
- uses the HTTPS protocol and, thanks to the VPN connection, allows for bringing the remote assistance even where the cabled network connection is not available or is limited.
New: Available also with VPN connection
In many places the cabled internet network may not be available or may be subjected to limitations for security reasons. To overcome these problems, it is possible to connect your devices to the Plantgate through the VPN, an encrypted tunnel between your system’s devices and the Plantgate cloud with these benefits:
- Increased system security thanks to the cryptografy provided by the VPN,
- If the cabled network is not available, you could use a 4G data connection using a SIM card.

The Plantgate service has a pyramidal structure, there are multiple profiles different permissions:
- Reseller/OEM: custumer of CLIMASET s.r.l.,
- Installer: customer of the reseller/OEM,
- End user: owner of the system.
With the Plantgate there is also the possibility to have a personalized URL and logo for each user (reseller/OEM, Installer, end user).
Presentation of the Plantgate in PDF format.